FTPS Certificate issues

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Apr 7, 2015
So a while back I went all out and built and fantastic 10TB server with 32GB of ECC Ram. It works brilliantly and has been rock solid in my home network environment for about two years. One of the other reasons for building it was for remote file access as I wanted to step away from "cloud" storage and that I have a 60Meg upload speed connection. Naturally I got FTP working easily with my own hostname as I have a fixed IP address.
So, before I could utilise this effectively I obviously needed encryption. Down the rabbit hole I went and experimented with two options SFTP (SSH) or FTPS.

The first headache with SSH was that my users could see all my root files, this then led me into the dragons lair of Chrooting; which I still haven't figured out or found enough information on. (please bear in mind that I am not a Linus programmer and rely heavily on the GUI) All the threads on this seem to be way above my pay grade and every Linux geek seems to feel important by speaking in tongues. Also SSH is not as supported in terms of built in android file explorers. FTPS is! So I threw that out the window and decided I needed to beat myself a little harder and began the journey of encrypting FTP with SSL.

Obviously SSL is not easy within itself to understand but with enough caffeine, Ritalin and a kg of cocaine I managed to figure out how encryption works. Now most of the web seems to support SSL around web hosting but absolutely nothing from anywhere on Freenas.

I manged to (within freenas) create a CSR, submitted it to Verisign and got a lovely shiny Cert back. Then to discover that Freenas is now asking me to paste a "Begin Certificate" and "End Certificate" which these lovely Cert files I received does not seem to contain.

At the moment sitting in my Sytem ---> Certificates section is a CSR request waiting for to paste the cert into. Again, the certs I bought do not have any pastable info, or at least that I know of.

Can someone, in plain English, please explain to me or point me in the right direction on how to get FTP over SSL to work with what I have. Even if I have to create another self signed cert from Freenas's CA.

In the Freenas help files It says that the minute I click TLS, Freenas should automatically create a Certificate for me, which it doesnt. How do I import the cert, I just purchased, into Freenas?

Or better yet, If someone knows, very simply how to chroot SSH then I'm also all ears.

Thanks all. :smile:


Now that you have a certificate, you should be able to use the "Import Certificate" button in System -> Certificates to import it. Are you getting an error when you do that?


Apr 7, 2015
Thanks for your reply. I did try to import the cert but Freenas just opens a windows where its asking me to paste stuff into two different windows. I would have thought a file explorer would open where I'd be able to select the cert and import it? As I'm at work Im unable to take screen shots. Maybe I'm missing something very basic but again any further help would be appreciated. cheers
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