FreeNAS 8.2.0, no ZFS pool, 2 disks failed on RAIDZ

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Sep 30, 2013
All, first my apologies if this information is somewhere and I somehow missed it; I've seen a lot of similar posts but none quite the same (I think) as my issue. And, since running arbitrary commands is generally not good I wanted to at least reach out to see if someone could quickly point me in the right direction.

I have FreeNAS 8.2.0 with the OS running on a SSD and had four 2-TB drives acting in RAIDZ (can't remember if I did 1 or 2). Two of my drives failed (not being seen by the BIOS regardless of what SATA port on the MB I use). I have replacement drives ready to go in but when I run "zpool status -v" I get back:
no pools available

So...I'm not sure if I should follow the cheat sheet in the user's guide (FreeNAS 8.0.1, Section 10.8.9 How do I replace a bad drive?) or if I need to do something else first since the pool is not found at all. Or, if there is better guidance I should use other than what's in the user guide.

Any help, tips, or pointers to guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012
If you did a RAIDZ1 and you have 2 failed disks(which is what it sounds like) then zpool status -v will tell you no pools available, because none are mounted. And that pool will never mount because RAIDZ1 has only 1 disk failure protection.

Post the output of "zpool import". I'm betting it has a message that says something like add more replicas. Without enough disks you cannot mount the pool and you won't be able to access your data.


Sep 30, 2013
Ugh...I was afraid of that but was hoping that since the OS was on a separate SSD that maybe a backup of the pool info was stored there. Output is below. Guess my only option is to see if a service can repair the dead drives.

[root@freenas ~]# zpool import
pool: FreeNAS_Volume
id: 15977021223388841004
state: UNAVAIL
status: One or more devices are missing from the system.
action: The pool cannot be imported. Attach the missing
devices and try again.

FreeNAS_Volume UNAVAIL insufficient replicas
raidz1 UNAVAIL insufficient replicas
gptid/ff796a2a-0dd0-11e2-9bff-902b3482c155 ONLINE
gptid/ffb06e5e-0dd0-11e2-9bff-902b3482c155 ONLINE
909700351944928043 UNAVAIL cannot open
gptid/0021b2cc-0dd1-11e2-9bff-902b3482c155 UNAVAIL cannot open


Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012
I recently talked to one of the most popular data recovery companies in the market. They said that they do not do ZFS recovery.... at all. Another one said that for 10k+ per month of man-hours they could attempt to write some ZFS recovery tools, but that none exist at the present time.

There is a reason why my noob slideshow has this quote in it:

ZFS has very few “recovery tools” unlike many other file systems. For this reason, backups are very important. If the zpool becomes unmountable and cannot be repaired there are no easy software tools or reasonably priced recovery specialists you can use to recover your data. This is because ZFS is enterprise-class software, and no enterprise would waste their time with recovery tools or data recovery specialists. They would simply recover from a known good backup or mirror server.

Good luck. It looks like you definitely need it :(

Unfortunately you are the poster child for why RAIDZ1 should never ever be used. That's why I have that link in my sig that RAIDZ1 is dead. You make #4 or 5 for the month. :(


Sep 30, 2013
Yeah, I saw the link in your sig and thought, "yep...I remember thinking I should probably just do RAIDZ2...gosh, I wish I had". Well, I guess we'll see how good Seagate Recovery Services is at their job. :smile: Thanks for the help. Also, thanks for all of your other contributions on the site. They've really helped me narrow down possible outcomes in the last day so I was prepared for the final verdict. :smile:
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