New GUI is real annoyance:
1) Font size between menu is not consistent. ( System=> Advance, System=> Alerts)
2) What is the purpose of the Reports button in the Dashboard section for the various volumes, Memory, CPU, CPU Temperature and Load usage if it is to only point to the first tab of the Reporting menu which is CPU load only?
3) GUI doesn't remembmer current settings:
3-1) Going to Storage=>Pools and click on the volume down arrow to show the list of datasets. Then go to a different menu such as Dashboard. Then return to Storage=>Pools, the content is hidden again.
3-2) Under Storage=>Pools, I have nested datasets, but the main down pointing arrow on the left side of the volume name only allow to expand the top level datasets. The one level and beyond deeper are not going to be shown. Clicking on the next arrows is not a fast paced process as it takes a few seconds to expand the tree. Looking for a specific dataset or simply doing dataset management is inefficient and painful. Under Corral, there was an option to manual hide certain datasets so next time the list was displayed only the selected one would be presented. I kind of like this functionality. Not sure on the long run though.
3-3) Sorting by columns (ie: Pools) doesn't work for everything.
4) "No data to display". I don't know what this means, really.
For instance, going to "Storage=> Snapshots" will show the above statement. Obviously, I know I have many snapshots, so it should show either a different message or show Freenas is processing the request, but no. And off course there is the true "No data to display", ie: under the "Tasks" menu. Yet, based on my aove statement, I don't know if I have to wait for Freenas to update the page or do I wait and feel stupid?
5) "Items per page" What is the reason for having an "Items per page" in the first place. Back to "Storage=> Snapshots", by default it will only show 10 items in the list. Of course I do not want to show only 10 items out of the remaining Gazillion ones. So with pain, I click on the "Items per page" drop down list to select the largest one. Waiting some more, or am I? After a while, the list gets populated (not really unexpected here, it has always been slow on former GUI) one of the reason I barely use this feature in the first place, but rather go through SSH to create the list and handle everything I need from there. Not the point of this post though). Anyway, once the contents gets displayed, I decide I need to go to a different menu to accomplish some more tasks, Let's say "Sharing=> Windows (SMB) Shares". There I have more than the default 10 itmes from the list. So I must go to the drop down list once more.
Then I decide to go back to my snapshots. What the heck, my "Items per page" is back to its default of 10. Let's move on.
One more shortcoming about the "Items per page" I find, is that I have to check in the lower section showing the number of items actually shown that I am actually looking at the entire picture or just a segment of it. Having a clear and distinct indication at the end of the list that there are other element that are not shown.
With this new GUI, I am spending more time trying to figure out if all I see is the complete picture.
6) This one also goes in the same sense as the "Items per page". If a column is not wide enough, it is possible to widen it by finding the tab separator, which with the default IXSystem color scheme is not visible unless you hover over it. Same issue on the "Dashboard" with the "Reports" button. When you are able to wider,l or simply adjust the width, decide to change menu and come back, this setting is lost and has to be redone once more. What a fewer clicks anyway.
7) While a volume is being Resilvered, it is nice there is a indication on the GUI top bar which is represented by two circling arrows. However, I didn't notice it right away. At first I didn't know what it was. Only when I hover over it do I notice the comment.
What really troubles me here is that the "Dashboard" shows this volume as green and Healthy. It is healthy because of the parity being intact, at list until something shows up as data corruption. However, the normal procedure and info would have been to show the volume as Degraded and better yet showing the volume in a different colors with a Resilvering element. Clicking on the two circling arrow on the top bar will show as a popup message the name and progress of the Resilvering. This type of information should really be made available as a per "Dashboard" volume details.
The same should be of the Scrubbing process. This should be integrated as part of the Volume details.
8) In the same "Dashboard" category, it doesn't make sense to show missing volumes with green colors. I also see the term "NaN GB" with the Unknown label. The same applies to encrypted volume that are either missing or "Locked". However, there should be a distinction between present but locked volume/disks and Locked but missing volume/disk. As it is, it is not possible to tell whether a locked volume is physically in the system or not. Color should reflect thhe change of status as well.
9) "Dashboard" menu: "Disks in Use" section of a volume is nice, however I would find more usefull if it was possible to show the drive configuration as well, such as stripped of RAIDZ Vdevs and which Vdevs the disk belongs. When pressing the invisible Reports button (unless you hover on top of it), it should be possible to jump to the Reporting page to only show Disk reports related to the Volume in effect.
10) "Dashboard" menu: Graphs granularity is weak and limits (vertical scale) are not easily readable and perceivable. When the scale is in percentage (%) it is somewhat fine but not quantifiable unless the mouse is being hover on the specific graph. One thing I just can't make sense of is the latest information reported by the various graphs under "Dashboard". It would seem, valid data collected less than 2-5 minutes will report as 0. This leads to indicate my CPU are running cold when in fact there are in the lower 30's, memory used peaked to an unknown maximum value and drop to 0GB only in the last 2 minutes at best. If this was real data being collected, then I would see transition from max to min at steady interval. Instead, the 0GB value occuring in the first 2 minutes will show as almost maximum after a refrsh of tghe page. In a nutsheel the graph collected and shown in the last hour will be steadily set to 29.45GB, where my maximum is 32GB.
Freenas graph are lying to us.
As Matt already mentioned a few threads ago, there doesn't happear to be historical data. The old GUI was great for that.
11) "UI Preferences": Nothing really usefull in here. Most issues stated above could find user selectable parameter to tailor my preferences and be store in here.\
In conclusion, I am terribly dissatisfied with how the interface has been implemented. I am just being frustrated with the overall quality of the user interface or the lack of.
I just can't believe iXsytems came up with this approach. Are you guys actually using this interface to do serious work?
I did complain a lot back then (Corral era) and it seems there has been no improvement in the matter.
I must say, I have rarely used the new GUI, due to its lack of performance, granularity, ease of use and data reliability (Not talking about ZFS reliability). But as the transition is being force on the new UI (Old GUI being forcefully retired), I think a larger audience is going to get back to you in an unfriendly way.
All my statement above indicates to me the GUI was never meant to be a better replacement of the old GUI. Clearly whoever designed the new GUI doesn't have an ounce of experience with a live system.
As I have stated before, it seems the primary goal is to have an interface that would appeal to the eye, and everything else is not worth having.
There really is a need for you guys to works things out, otherwise you might end up aggravating the Freenas community.