Disk Health warning immediately after updating Bluefin to latest version.

Feb 26, 2023
Hello, relative newbie here.
Last night I updated my error free installation of Bluefin to latest build.

After updating and restarting the NAS, I noticed that under disk Health, I now have an orange colored exclamation mark.
It indicates I have 5 failed smart tests.
(see attached image)

Before the update I had all green ticks for every section.

I preformed smart tests both long and short for all data drives. (6 in my case)
All passed.

I then did a scrub of the array, and also can find no errors.

Months ago when I first built the NAS, I did not have a working UPS config, and part way thru initial smart tests, the power of course failed.
One drive started misbehaving, so I replaced it. Since then been doing regular smart tests without issue.

Seemingly the latest build has brought back the initial smart tests failures.
I have 10 pages of passed smart tests, but the 5 failed ones are on the very first page, with every subsequent test being a pass.

Is there a way to get back green tick status, or is it now going to be like this all the time?

Excuse my ignorance, but it a little disconcerting to see a disk health status warning that only appeared after applying latest update.



Mar 18, 2014
I think there are other posts about this and a bug report has been opened.
Feb 26, 2023
Thanks for that information.
Yes, I found the posting after making my post.

That users description pretty much mirrors mine in regards to aborted smart tests.

I tried booting into previous bluefin version, but the disk health remains unchanged, and still shows 5 smart test failures, which were from the initial build smart tests and due to power failures.

I now have working UPS solution, and all recent long tests have passed.

I guess my main question as a ‘newbie’, is that everything is good to go, and that regardless of those old smart test earnings, the array is actually error free.

Cheers for the reply!


Apr 16, 2020
It looks like a reporting error to me - I think the pool is likley fine. I am assuming that mine is as I can find no other issues


May 8, 2020
After update to 22.12.1 in the weekend, I also got 2 disk errors today. Dashboard all tiles green/OK. No SMART-errors, just these messages:

Device: /dev/sdc [SAT], 8 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors.​

Device: /dev/sdc [SAT], 8 Offline uncorrectable sectors.​



Apr 16, 2020
@speedtriple your issue is different - please open your own thread - but that sounds like a disk going bad.
@three6zerocool there is a fix that you can manually add if you want - once you find the file in question. I'll post here once I find it (if I remember). But the sensible solution is to wait for the next patch
Last edited:
Feb 26, 2023
Yes, probably better to wait for official patch.

As a newbie, it is more a panic thing when you see that disk health warning.

It seems to have read in the entire smart test history, which for my drives goes back to initial NAS setup. Since then, with regular smart tests, I have 10 pages of tests, of which all but the first page of tests are all passed, but have 5 fails on that oldest smart test history.

It needs some preference where the user can choose how far back to go, say 30 days for example.

Every time you login and see the health warning, you kinda freak out a bit, til you realise what is happening.

Thank you for the reply, It is really appreciated.