Debian Wheezy jail - no network connection if autostart is enabled

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Nov 4, 2013

i just installed a debian jail within a FreeNas 9.2.0. The jail is configured with autostart. So if the freenas is rebooted, the jail comes up again.
But with this configuration, i can't connect the jail after a reboot. The jails ip address in answering, but it's FreeNAS who answers not the jail. I can confirm it, when i take a look at the freenas console. I see two URLs for getting the Web-Interface. Binding the Web-Interface to only one ip address didn't fix the problem.
To stop and re-start the jail doesn't fix the problem too.
The only way to connect to the jail is to disable the autostart and start the jail manually.
Has anybody an idea?


Sep 17, 2013
I apologize in advance for any typos because I'm using Google translator.

I have the same problem reported by you. Managed to solve?
I'm using FreeNAS- (fdbe9a0).
I created a debian jail with autostart option. Apparently the jail starts when we turn on the NAS system, but when I try to access it via ssh, who answers is the NAS itself.
To fix this, I need to stop and start the jail, thus the debian jail starts to respond properly again, but in my case this is a problem.
I need to initialize a script automatically, without human intervention, once the system is booted.
I already placed the script to be called by rc.local of jail debian, but it only runs if I stop and start the jail again.
Thanks for any help!
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