Creating a daemon user for Deluge


Mar 31, 2020
Currently I have 2 plugins running, Syncthing and Deluge.
Syncthing comes with a built in user with the UID 983. Deluge just uses nobody as user with the UID 65534.
So I thought giving nobody access to my pool wouldn't be the best idea or am I wrong with that assumption?

So I created a new system user with the UID 1001 for Deluge via pw[/code]. I had to chown /var/tmp for this user so I could start the daemon without warnings, but the daemon never actually starts. The deluged.log contains this error: [code] [ERROR ] 16:49:19 rpcserver:378 [('system library', 'fopen', 'Permission denied'), ('BIO routines', 'FILE_CTRL', 'system lib'), ('SSL routines', 'SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file', 'system lib')] [/code] As far as I understand this means that the user can't access the fopen library but how can I give the user permissions to it? I have the feeling that I went the wrong way and that there should be an easier solution to my problem.


Mar 31, 2020
Ugh there is no edit function in this forum. Could someone please edit my post?

Currently I have 2 plugins running, Syncthing and Deluge.
Syncthing comes with a built in user with the UID 983. Deluge just uses nobody as user with the UID 65534.
So I thought giving nobody access to my pool wouldn't be the best idea or am I wrong with that assumption?

So I created a new system user with the UID 1001 for Deluge via pw. I had to chown /var/tmp for this user so I could start the daemon without warnings, but the daemon never actually starts. The deluged.log contains this error:
[ERROR   ] 16:49:19 rpcserver:378 [('system library', 'fopen', 'Permission denied'), ('BIO routines', 'FILE_CTRL', 'system lib'), ('SSL routines', 'SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file', 'system lib')]

As far as I understand this means that the user can't access the fopen library but how can I give the user permissions to it? I have the feeling that I went the wrong way and that there should be an easier solution to my problem.[/icode]