Crash plan-VirtualBox-ownCloud backup woes

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Oct 15, 2013
I'll try and keep this as short as possible! Previously I had a CrashPlan (CP) jail backing up two FreeNAS datasets - /mnt/pool/backup (pictures, music, books, etc.) and /mnt/pool/ocfiles (my ownCloud files). This worked, although updates to CP have meant I couldn't access the CP jail anymore so through I'd try (what sounded like) a more long term option using a VirtualBox (vbox) jail.

I create a new FreeNAS jail (vm4) using the vbox template and created a VM running CentOS 6.7. I mounted the two datasets to the vm4 jail (/mnt/backup and /mnt/ocfiles) and then in the vbox settings shared these with the CentOS VM. I had to install the vbox guest additions for the shares to be visible in the VM /media folder as /sf_backup and /sf_ocfiles. Couldn't access either to begin with, due to permissions but adding my user into the vboxsf group sorted out access to the sf_backup folder, but not the /sf_ocfiles.

ownCloud (OC) needs to have www:www permissions on the ocfiles dataset in FreeNAS, so I was trying to figure a way of setting the permissions in either vbox or centos to allow me to read these so I can point CP at them. I've tried creating a www user and group in centos and assigning my user to the group, but that doesn't work. I'd also added a vbox user and group in FreeNAS and added this to the www group, but no different. The root user in centos can't access the folder either.

I know it's a long shot, but was hoping someone might be using CP through vbox in a similar way and backing up an OC dataset that can also make sense of my ramblings above :D


After some more head scratching and googling I tried a different approach with this. Instead of trying to mount the folders through the vbox jail, I've just created NFS shares in the centos VM to the FreeNAS box. This seems to have worked and CP is busy checking and uploading files so I'll know for sure in several days...
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