converting a timemachine sparsebundle to an external drive timemachine


Jan 12, 2024

is it possible to convert a timemachine sparebundle to an external harddrive timemachine?
I did setup an truenas core 2 weeks ago and everything seems to work fine.
I did 2 TM Backups of my macs and could successfully simulate a recovery.
I also can just copy the sparebundle to an extern HDD, open it and copy files from the images,
but this copied sparebundle is not recognized when i start the migration assistant.
I tried cloning this sparebundle via superduper, it did copy for hours and the space on the external disk is used, but no backups show up.
On many MAC forums people say the newer timemachine backups can not be copied because they are APFS snapshots, does that cound for
sparsebundles too?

I would like to do this so I can hand an external drive to a user and leave the recovery to them.

Otherwise this is my first truenas experience and i like it, wanted to do that for years.
