cloud sync pull as "VPS backup to truenas" ?


Sep 25, 2015
So here is my question, i was checking out the cloud sync to backup stuff to Blackblaze, but then i noticed there is push and pull. Now secondly we have sftp....

If i'm understanding it right, if i make a pull SFTP task with my hosted VPS in multiple datacenters as the target credentials. (which now are pushing stuff to my TrueNAS) this brings some security caveats; port forwarded to the VPS. and if VPS is breached they can work themselves into the NAS. (every door can be broken)

But if i understand cloud sync PULL right, if i setup a SFTP pull cloud sync with the destination a VPS. Will that make Truenas Scale be the initiator to pull backups Tarballs from the VPS's? Or am i misunderstanding it?

Because if its the latter that will make the whole setup alot more secure in my opinion, i can close all wan -> lan ports on the truenas machine as it will initiate the SFTP pull as a client of the VPS, instead of a server with its ports open. And secondly the servers will have no way to login to the NAS if they get breached, so i dont have to r-sync the backups to a second dataset on the truenas machine for security.

TLDR: Does cloud sync pull with SFTP pull stuff from another system onto Truenas on a schedule?


Nov 27, 2019
I've got a rsync PULL job doing what you're describing, so I would guess sftp can do the same