Can't move files from root directory

Dec 26, 2022
Hi, I recently moved form FreeNAS v11 to the latest TrueNAS version and I have trouble moving files from the root directory of a pool to a newly created dataset.
Since while on FreeNAS I used the 'root' user to login through SMB shares I could upload files to the root directory directly, however that was changed and it is no longer possible to login with root user. Everything else is working perfectly fine, the only problem is I can't move the old files from the root directory to the new dataset.
I tried adding my user to the 'wheel' group but it still says that I don't have permission to move the files (only read them).


Oct 29, 2016
it is still possible to login as root, but that doesn't necessarily help you.
you pretty much solve this with CLI one of a few ways, but you probably want to permit sudo anyway
just move the files:
sudo mv /mnt/tank/blah /mnt/tank/foo/blah
change the owner:
sudo chown (-R?) admin /mnt/tank/blah
sudo chgrp (-R?) admin /mnt/tank/blah
change the permissions:
sudo chmod (-R?) 777 /mnt/tank/blah gives anyone full access, not always a good idea