Can't access dataset inside another dataset


Apr 7, 2021

I'm running TrueNAS 12 (latest stable update). I have a few datasets shared over SMB and all is well except for one. This one is inside another dataset (as in, a folder inside another folder which is also a dataset). For some reason I can map the drive to Windows but the drive appears with no bar and I can't enter it.

Is there a restriction on this kind of situation (share a folder and some descendant at the same time)?

Can I just move the folder to the same level as the other datasets and share it from there? Can I do that without any risk of losing data in the process?

I'm definitely not an expert on TrueNAS and might be missing something, but the only apparent difference between this dataset and the others is the fact that it's inside another dataset.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.