Hi all
I have downloaded this: FreeNAS-8.0-RELEASE-amd64.iso and extracted the .iso to a CD ROM. The CD ROM now contains the following folders and file:
I have setup my PC to boot to the CD ROM. When it boots i see the following on screen:
Boot from CD/DVD: CD loader 1.2
Building the boot loader arguments
Looking up /BOOT/LOADER..File Not Found
Looking up /boot/loader...Found
Relocating the loader and the BTX
Starting the BTX
BTX Loader is 1.00 BTX version is 1.02
Consoles: internal video/keyboard
BIOS CD is cd0
BIOS Drive A: is disk 0
At this point my system just hangs, the CD ROM stops spinning and show the text above on screen, it is not moving forward to the Freenas installer etc.
Please help.....
I have downloaded this: FreeNAS-8.0-RELEASE-amd64.iso and extracted the .iso to a CD ROM. The CD ROM now contains the following folders and file:
I have setup my PC to boot to the CD ROM. When it boots i see the following on screen:
Boot from CD/DVD: CD loader 1.2
Building the boot loader arguments
Looking up /BOOT/LOADER..File Not Found
Looking up /boot/loader...Found
Relocating the loader and the BTX
Starting the BTX
BTX Loader is 1.00 BTX version is 1.02
Consoles: internal video/keyboard
BIOS CD is cd0
BIOS Drive A: is disk 0
At this point my system just hangs, the CD ROM stops spinning and show the text above on screen, it is not moving forward to the Freenas installer etc.
Please help.....