BIOS boot not working - manual selection required


Dec 30, 2021

I'm replacing my ESXi home server with TrueNAS Scale.
Installation and configuration went more ore less smoothly, but there is one really issue: BIOS does not boot the system automatically. After some time a message saying something like 'No boot volume found. Select boot media and reboot'.
If I use the initial boot menu and select the drive (which is already an first position of device list), then it boot as expected.
I've tried various BIOS settings (disabling UEFI, disabling USB and optical devices) and differed SSDs, but always the same issue.
Even if I detach all other disks and leave only the boot SSD, the behavior is the same.

Previously this machine was running ESXi (with other harddisks) without issues. So it seems this is something related to TreuNAS.

Any idea what causes this issue and how to fix it?
The hardware is old and I did not check the hardware requirements in full detail, but as everything is running with boot SSD selected manually, I my understanding the hardware should be OK.