Best method upgrade?


Oct 16, 2020

How do I specify which pool I want the nextcloud / data folder to be in?

Currently, the SAS Pool has a nextcloud dataset, which is authorized by www / www
SAS Pool
But after installing the plugin I can't mount it again because the / usr / local / www / nextcloud / data folder is not empty

What is the best way to update the nextcloud plugin? 20.0.2 -> 20.0.4 but in any future case what would be the best method?

sorry English not good


Nov 25, 2019
This is an interesting question to which i also would like some recommendations. I used to update my previous nextcloud install from within the NC GUI and that always worked fine. The issue with that was that the update updates NC, but it does not update any of the other dependencies such as php and mysql. If you update the plugin via the TrueNAS GUI, this does happen but the downside i experienced with this, is that some of the changes i made in the config.php were gone and i had to do this from scratch. I am not sure if this happens with every update via the GUI so i am seeking for some clarity around that.

Just as a foot note: if you once update NC from within the NC GUI, doing another update from the TrueNAS GUI, gets you into trouble (been there, done that) and the install can be salvaged but with blood, sweat and tears...


Mar 4, 2020
I recently updated from Nc 19.x (official plugin) to 20.0.6 (danb35 script).
What I did is: created new folders and installed NC using I got a brand new installation.

After that, I put both NC in maintenance mode and I copied the data into the new folders and I imported the old db as described in and

After that I followed the update instructions from the GUI.
Using the script, you can specify the dataset of your data, but I suggest to use a new dataset and copy the data to avoid any data loss.
You should also have the database backup to restore.

Using the script should simplify your future updates with the script itself (but I havn't tried that yet).


Mar 4, 2020
Just to follow up on this in case someone else will ends up here.
I continued updating nextcloud from the UI until today when the base jail become too outdated and unsupported.
My jail was on 11 while truenas on 13.

What I did was:
- took a snapshot of jails and data
- stopping the nextcloud jail
- renaming the nextcloud jail to nextcloud-old
- setting nextcloud-old to not start on boot
- downloaded and configured with the same config file used back in 2021
- I had to modify the script to use mariadb103-server instead of the new mariadb106-server to match the version I was using
- followed the instructions in to run the script
- at the end going to nextcloud I had to also update nextcloud from the UI since it was on v. 25 and now on v. 26

- jail upgrated and all it's working
- I still need to migrate to the new mariadb106-server manually. Given the comment in here it seems it should be easy
- wrote some note also in here
- I will delete nextcloud-old in few days