Bad config file, need to migrate a few things to a new one and start fresh, how to do so?


Dec 26, 2015
Hello all,

So I have been a Freenas user with the current machine since 9.3 (maybe earlier). Over all of the updates, now on 11.3, some things have gone wrong over time, reporting has stopped working, some labels in the GUI show up as (null), random things don't work correctly. I have attributed this to my config file as I have reimported my pools into a new USB drive and the above issues don't exist anymore.

Now my question is, I want to start with this blank config from this new flash drive but I have a couple of jails and virtual machines I would like to reimport, this also includes a legacy virtualbox jail. How can I do that?

Just an FYI: I am not worried about any plugins or network settings, I can easily recreate the settings themselves.