To do a secure delete i writed 2 scripts. both at /bin to execute them from execution's path
as i already said, zfs is a copy on write operating system this will not overwrite your files.
if you want unequivocal proof, do the following:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/yourpool/disk.dat bs=1024k count=512
this will create a half gig file. now use su to raise your privileges.
zpool create -m /mnt/test test /mnt/yourpool/disk.dat
this will create a pool named test that is mounted to /mnt/test and uses the file we just created as it's 'disk'
echo "test123" > /mnt/test/file.txt
this will write 'test123' to the file.
make sure it's in there with
grep "test123" /mnt/yourpool/disk.dat
it will output "Binary file /mnt/yourpool/disk.dat matches" showing that the text exists on the raw 'disk'
now 'erase' the file.
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/test/file.txt bs=1024k count=8
now watch as the data is still there!
grep "test123" /mnt/yourpool/disk.dat
it will still output "Binary file /mnt/yourpool/disk.dat matches" showing that the text still exists on the raw 'disk'