Accessing FreeNAS Shares from VM

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Aug 28, 2014
I recently upgraded to FreeNAS 11 (currently FreeNAS-11.0-U4) and have been experimenting with the VM capability. I created a new VM running Ubuntu Server 17, and installed plex on the server. I wanted to connect my /media dataset from my FreeNAS to the VM using SMB or NFS. I attempted to configure fstab to mount the shares on boot, but I kept getting errors that the shares were not accessible. After troubleshooting a bit, I realized I could not even ping my FreeNAS server from the VM. It appears that the FreeNAS is not visible to the VM, while other network computers and the internet are accessible.

Is there something I am missing to make the FreeNAS system available to the VM through IPv4? I do not know if this is blocked by default for security. Is there something else in FreeNAS that is blocking the packets?

I've had the server up and running for >4 years. SMB shares are visible to Windows 10 devices. I had plex running in a jail but it would not revive after upgrading to FreeNAS 11. I've had problems upgrading within the jail environment, so I was wanting to move to a VM.

Machine details: Supermicro X10SLL-F-O, Intel Xeon E3-1230V3, Crucial 8GBx2 DDR3L PC3-12800 ECC

Thanks in advance!
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Mar 20, 2017
Have you checked the VM's network config? Is there a firewall running in the VM?

I'm sure there are some forum threads on creating working plex jail in FreeNAS-11.0-U4.


Oct 31, 2014
I'm having a similar issue.

I'm running FreeNAS in a VM (ESXi 6.5) and setup a Windows 10 VM and it can not access any of the shares. I turned off all firewalls on Windows 10. I can't even ping the FreeNAS VM. But get this I can ping the Win10 VM from the FreeNAS VM.

I read something hinting to the version of SMB. I don't know I'm still figuring out the issue. All other devices on the network have access to the shares.

I'm thinking maybe there's a setting within ESXi.


Dec 7, 2013
Yeah, I am also trying to access a VM 'drive' from a Windows 10 system on the network. Is this because it is a zVol? Basically what I am trying to do is allow folks on their windows systems who are developers access the ..../www/ directory on the VM.

From the GUI I do not have an option to share the zVol on the VM, it does not appear in the list of shareable devices. A work around would be to create a dataset drive and then mount that on the VM and symlink it to the www directory, but there does not seem to be an easy way of doing that either....

Any help much appreciated.

FreeNAS 11.1
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