9.10U6 to 11Stable failed on FreeNAS Mini. Now trying to install fresh.

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Dec 14, 2015
Greetings from El Salvador. Not a %&$hole contrary to what some people say :) Just going through some baaad corrupt leadership which has had some terrible consequences for us.

On point- I passed the part where I would try to rescue a failed update from 9.10U6 to 11, and instead/like on other updates, grabbed a recent settings backup, and did a fresh install from a fresh iso of FreeNAS 11 stable.

Production environment with people in different production areas connecting since early- so have been at it for a while, and sorry I am not posting more details. I am posting in case there are quick general conditions. People are now coming into the office one by one and the pressure is on. Many of us have been there before... :S

In the FreeNAS Mini I have ada0,ada1,ada2, ada3,ada4 as it comes "stock."

all but ada2 are in zfs. ada2 is a 16Gb flash drive.

Doing the fresh install, having a backup, I chose to install on ada2, erasing everything on it.

Would it be ok to restore a 9.10U6 settings backup to a 9.11 installation?

Jon Q
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Dec 14, 2015
Actually- when I boot after loading the 9.10U6 settings backup in to the GUI I am getting lots of "migration" like activity.... will post update in case it could help others in the future.
After some db updates it rebooted. Now I was having trouble rejoining the domain. Kerberos issues I am working on. On a reboot, though, I am now getting a kernel panic....

Because people need to get work done (including nightly orders from stores for early production and supply) I will do a fresh install of 9.10 and restore from settings backup.

The most important part (our zfs pool) has remained intact.

Thanks for any observations.
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As a followup, did your config restore OK on the fresh install?


Dec 14, 2015
For now back on 9.10.2-U2
Fearful even tro try to get back to 9.10.2-U6. At least until I do it the correct way - scheduling downtime.
I had much AD weirdness with and without encryption (using Univention 4.1).
To minimize complexity I want to get the AD user accounts and just handle them locally on the FreeNAS server.
Any tips on having another freenas local user be able to administer other people's accounts (access control without them being able to manage drives, etc...). Or is that automatically handled with the "permit sudo" option?
I know it is secondary in a file server, but great job on the new GUI! I got to preview but the kernel panics and lack of time after a day of troubleshooting 11 made me revert to 9.10.2-U2.
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