recycle bin

  1. DrLove73

    Samba share with Recycle Bin, files NOT saved while directoris under repository ARE created

    Hi. I have set up FreeNAS server (now FreeNAS-11.1-U6) for ouor company domain, almost all is working as I wish it. On each share I have turned on Recycle Bin feature and deleted files appear normaly. Since I have snapshots every 1h on most of the shares (users work/save directly on shares), and...
  2. S

    SMB Recycle Bin - Bug or N00b?

    Hi, I'm pretty new to FreeNAS, Ive been following it from affar for a few years but my first proper install was v.11u2. So far it's been great but I'm having a little trouble with the Export Recycle Bin feature. I'm not sure if it's a bug in freenas or my own incompetence. I have a single...
  3. S

    Recycle bin help

    Caut un script care sa imi stearga User home recycle bins o data la 2 saptamani , sunt incepator imi cer scuze dar nu stiu de unde sa incep , are cineva vreo idee ?
  4. JayG30

    "Export Recycle Bin" setting doesn't work for mapped drives, only UNC

    Hello, I was testing enabling the Export Recycle Bin setting on an SMB share and found something interesting that I'm not sure if is working by design or perhaps a bug. I'm hoping some other members might be able to confirm. I suspect this is a limitation of the Samba vfs_recycle module. I map...
  5. Pablo506

    Noob - Como utilizar la papelera de reciclaje ?

    Buenos días Estoy probando FreeNas por primera vez y logré armar un equipo de prueba. Por el momento solo tengo un disco duro, es importante habilitar la papelera de reciclaje para evitar perder archivos permanentemente si se borran por error. Lo estoy haciendo por "windows share" y se...