php 5.5 to php 5.6

  1. S

    This version of ownCloud requires at least PHP 5.6.0 (updating owncloud)

    Hey guys still pretty new at this but I updated my owncloud and now whenever I access the service it says: This version of ownCloud requires at least PHP 5.6.0 You are currently running PHP 5.5.16. Please update your PHP version. I have the system set up in my own computer running FreeNas so I...
  2. I

    php 5.5 and php 5.6

    I am using the nextcloud jail inside freenas... nextcloud 11 requires php 5.6... will freenas be making the move to php 5.6??
  3. J

    Updating to Nextcloud 11

    Hi, I have recently updated to next cloud 10.0.2. I am running free nas and have a jail created for Nextcloud. However, I cant update to the latest version of Nextcloud 11. Says I need PHP 5.6. Picture is attached. How do I go about updating Nextcloud to the latest version?