9.3 to 11

  1. R

    Upgrade from 9.3 to latest

    I am trying to upgrade several old freenas servers that are still on 9.3.1, but apparently web.ixsystems.com has been replaced by update-master.ixsystems.com for serving the iX crl file. I tried just pointing IX_CRL in /usr/local/lib/freenasOS/__init__.py to...
  2. TheShellshock67

    Shell Colors

    Hi everyone, i just migrated a server from 9.3 to 11.1 U6.3 and immediately something caught my eye. On 9.3 i had coloured folders when i ls'ed a directory via SSH. This is no longer the case as was the current directory after the username. I have fixed the working directory after my username...
  3. rwfitzy

    FATAL ERROR applying 9.3 updates

    I have a FreeNAS 9.3-STABLE I need to update to version 11-STABLE. I found some updates pending and applied, then received this Alert: CRITICAL: Update failed. Check /data/update.failed for further details. Then I found this in the update log... FATAL ERROR - The following SQL query failed...
  4. M

    9.3 to 11 ??

    Hi All, so I think it's about I upgraded and updated my jail templates, etc. Can I go straight to 11 or should I hit 9.10 first? Thanks!