Windows ACL, Groups?

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Jul 21, 2013
I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended behaviour, however on my FreeNAS on shares that I have set to use Windows ACL, when I'm in the security tab's "Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups" and I try to enter a group neame and then Check Names it won't find anything.

On my shares they generally have a listing for Users (Unix Group/Users), but if I want to add another group from my listings (example I have a group named ServerGroup it can't be found.

If I go under the "Locations..." button and do a search for all groups on NAS (name of my server) it doesn't show anything.

Is this intended beahviour, or should I be able to add groups set up in FreeNAS to the Windows security settings for files/folders?

Right now I only have 3 users, so in the event I want to add a group I just add manually any user part of that group as a workaround, but I could see this as being really annoying for anybody that has a large number of users for their FreeNAS.
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