When I enable CIFS FreeNAS freezes and cannot recover

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Jan 16, 2014
I have a new install of FreeNAS running as a VM inside Windows HyperV.
Everything is set up fine, I configure a public IP, web access works externally.

I then create a ZFS volume (I think thats right?) and that is created successfully.

When I create a windows share, it asks me if I want to enable CIFS, so I click yes, assuming that is the protocol I need? and then it takes me straight to the services screen and shows a progress icon next to CIFS indicating that it is being enabled, but this icon never goes away - and after this point, everything is frozen.

I cant access any other menu, and if I then reboot from Shell, the web interface is no longer available.

After this happened, the only way I could get back in was doing a factory reset from the console.

Any ideas?


I'm pretty sure there are still some missing bits of HyperV support missing from FreeNAS which may not be added until 10.0. Having said that, I see that there is a testing version available in the link at #3866. If you decide to give that version a try, let us know if it fixes the issue.
Jan 16, 2014
I have downloaded and installed the latest beta - 9.2.1 i beleive.
It installs fine, but when I try to assign ip to an interface, it says "saving interface configuration failed"
Thats not even as far as I was getting!
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