Using Snapshot Replication to Move Time Machine Backups with Dedupe and Compression


May 13, 2017

I'm picked up a TrueNAS Mini XL+ and I'm migrating Time Machine Backups from my home grown TrueNAS to the new TrueNAS Mini. I've decided to use snapshot replication for this task, but I do have a few questions/concerns:

  1. Because my original TrueNAS build didn't have a lot of bays and thus storage, I enabled dedupe and compression on the original/source pool. Will all of those settings, dedupe mappings, etc all transfer OK to the new TrueNAS server since I'm using ZFS replication?
  2. What happens to the original permissions and Apple specific share settings that were set on the original/source dataset when it is replicated to the target server? Does all that get replicated as well (even if the target users don't exist)?
  3. While I didn't consider this when I originally set this up, will I run into any issues restoring my time machine backups if I have de-duplication enabled?

Thank you.
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