Urgent Assistance Required - FreeNas inaccessible

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Jul 17, 2011
Hi All,

I installed FreeNas 8.0 on a Intel C2Duo with 4GB RAM on a 4GB USB FLASH Drive.

1 x 500GB
2 x 2TB Disks

I created a ZFS Pool with no redundancy to get the maximum storage.

It was running fine and I upgraded to FreeNas 8.02 Beta2 - all was good

Until a few days ago when intermittently the share will be inaccessible, web interface inaccessible - the support person powered down the machine, took the usb flash out and inserted into a different USB slot on the same machine and powered ON. All was good again :smile:

Now since this morning - no matter what we do - it won't come up and it has 750GB data on it.

1 - What are the steps to recover ?
2 - Shall I re-install freenas on the same usb flash and then restore the config?
3 - Can we install a newer version like 8.0.1 Beta4 or it has to be the same version ?

Will be grateful for your prompt response

Kind Regards


Jul 1, 2011
I would reinstall the same version of FreeNAS you had working and restore the config file. If your pool isn't visible when you View All Volumes, then try clicking on the Auto Import Icon on that same page I think.

That should be all you need to do, but report back if you still have trouble.


Jun 9, 2011
I would reinstall the same version of FreeNAS you had working and restore the config file. If your pool isn't visible when you View All Volumes, then try clicking on the Auto Import Icon on that same page I think.

That should be all you need to do, but report back if you still have trouble.

That's correct. However, I had some problems in the past doing this. For some reason the config DB got corrupted or something like that.

If that fails, do a clean install of the same version but to not restore the config file.

Go to the CLI and issue the command "zpool import" and report back.

Yo may need to import from the CLI, re-export and then Autoimport from the GUI.


Jun 2, 2011
Hello, I have exactly the same problem so I will make the report.
Here is my config :
I Hostname: freenas.local
OS Version: FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p1
Platform: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 255 Processor
System Time: Mon Jul 25 12:57:44 PDT 2011
Uptime: 12:57PM up 4 mins, 0 users
Load Average: 0.07, 0.33, 0.19
FreeNAS Build: FreeNAS-8.0-RELEASE-amd64

After writing zpool import in the CLI, I got:
ZFS filesystem version 4
ZFS storage pool version 15
pool : Media_8TB
id : 45..................55
state : ONLINE
action : The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier
config :

raidz2 ONLINE
gpt/ada0 ONLINE
gpt/ada1 ONLINE
gpt/ada2 ONLINE
gpt/ada3 ONLINE
gpt/ada4 ONLINE
gpt/ada5 ONLINE

Thank you for your help. I don't have so much important things on it, just 3TB of movie and stuffs. But its time, so I'd rather get it back...:rolleyes:
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