TrueNas update from 12 to 13 networking issue with two hardware ethernet ports

Matt Rupert

Feb 1, 2017
Hello Truenas Forum,

I have had tremendous success with TrueNas of the past few years. I have been running version 12 for some time and the other day when of course I was out of town I did a remote update and ended up creating a broadcast storm on my network. More switch work to do to get the loop protection working. Anyway what appears to have happened is on my Dell 720xd I have the network card with 2 fiber and 2 ethernet ports. The first Ethernet port is configured as the main truenas access point. The second port was assigned to the windows 10 VM I have running. After the upgrade the windows 10 VM still points and is configured for the second ethernet port, however its now communicating over the first with all the other truenas traffic. When the device booted up the second ethernet port cable was plugged into the switch and I guess since that device was communicating over both ports it created the loop. Though this presumption could be wrong. My question is how do I fix this as the VM is still configured to use the second ethernet hardware port on the server, yet it communicating over the first. On the previous version of 12 I had been using I had had no issues with this. I use the second ethernet port for all the constant camera traffic I have going to the server.

Thank you for any help.