TrueNAS Scale NFS Service Autostart Fails

geoff bland

Apr 5, 2022
I have a brand new TrueNAS Scale server I am trying out.

I have a single pool with two datasets one of those I am sharing with an NFS share. The NFS service is set to auto-start.

When I restart the server the NFS share the NFS share does not auto-start and stays marked as disconnected and the NFS shares are not available to other servers on the network, yet the NFS service shows as Running.
Clicking the Start Service on the NFS share page shows an error "Service Failed to start". If I leave the Share page on the web site and come back later the NFS shares are then shown as running and now the NFS share is available to other servers.

Where do I find the logs for the NFS service to see what is going on here?

Server is a Dell R720XD with Perc 710P flashed into IT mode.