Truecommand - SSL Error when using an internal CA cert and adding a node


Jan 31, 2012
I have a truecommand 2.3.2 docker running on ubuntu 22.04

installed and working.

I've Added our internal Root CA to the certificate authorities under Config > Administration.
Require SSL for all connections = yes
Accept Self-signed Certificates = no

When i add a trueNAS machine that using a cert signed by this root CA i get

System offline: failed to WebSocket dial: failed to send handshake request: Get "https://FQDN:443/websocket": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

When i connect directly to the trueNAS machine i can see the cert is signed, but it is just SUB/Cert in the chain, no root.
no matter how i've structured the certificate import to the TrueNAS machine the cert include the root ca.

Even adding the subordinate to the TrueCommand CA section won't allow the TrueNAS machine to be added without an SSL.

Any ideas on what i'm missing here?