Trouble with keyboard in VM


Apr 25, 2021
I was installing Rocky Linux as a VM in TrueNAS, working from a MacBook (using the VNC option from the TrueNAS web UI, novnc I think it's called). But when trying to write, I noticed the keyboard layout was all... well, wonky. This was regardless of what language/keyboard layout I chose (I tried Danish, Danish (McIntosh), English (US)).

For reference, this is how the keyboard looks. Let's just say that it doesn't work as expected.

Here's what is typed by each key in the top row sequentially left to right: 41234567890´
(the last key with the ´ symbol does nothing, while the key with + types ´. The first key with the $ symbol types the number 4, as does the 4 key).
And the same while holding Shift they will type !Ø#%/)=
(keys with $, 4, 0, +, and ´ type nothing with Shift held. Several keys actually type the same character/symbol, and many symbols are just not found anywhere (e.g. - symbol, or an @).

And that all means that there are several important symbols missing, which makes working with this impossible. I am using the minimal iso (no GUI), but have also tried with GUI to see if I could fix it after install. No luck.

I'm going to use ssh after install, but I'm a bit weary about not having a fallback, since I did plan to put somewhat critical services on it eventually. Any idea what's going on?