Transmission setup - permission denied

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Jan 23, 2013

I watched two videos on how to set up transmission.

Everything works fine until the end. When everything is set up and i add a torrent it doesn't start downloading. there is an error message saying something like:
can't save file, - permission denied.

I think the problem is that i don't know how to set up the user (and group it might be connected to) since this is not shown in the video.

Can someone tell me how to do this from scratch, i now have a clean freenas 8.3 installation.
just how to set up the users etc, and the volume that i am going to use. Then i will watch the video again, follow the steps and see if it works.

thanks in advance!


Jan 28, 2013
Hi Luck. Hope This Helps... if you followed the Instructions in the video your Download Folder should be '/usr/Downloads' in the Jail

Download Folder Jail Loc: '/usr/Downloads'

In order for Transmission to write (Download) To this Folder, the user 'transmission:*:40001:' Must Have Write Permission
to the Download Folder in the JAIL

1. if you have shell Access (ssh) or you can use the GUI in the WEB Interface click -> 'SHELL'
2. freenas# jls
3. freenas# jexec 2 tcsh in the '2' just replace with your 'JID'
4. plugins# cd /usr/
5. plugins# ls -ld Downloads/
This Should Be your permissions
drwxrwxr-x 2 1001 transmission 3 Jan 28 14:03 Downloads/
The user Transmission has Read/Write/Execute In The Downloads Folder Keep in mind the '1001' is the user ID in the non jail ENV

If your Permissions Dont looks Like This Follow step 6

6. plugins# chown -R 1001:transmission Downloads/

Now Set your Permissions to 775
7. plugins# chmod -R 775 Downloads/

if your still have problem Follow Step 8
8. Assuming your Parent Dir For your Downloads Folder is 'Media' Make sure you set that folder to 777 not a safe thing to do
but if your not accessing it from the Public your fine. and beats pulling your hair off..

9. set 777 to Media/
$ chmod 777 Media/

10. $ cd Media/
11. $ chmod -R 775 Downloads/
12. $ chown -R alex:40001 Downloads/

Hope This helps..


Jan 25, 2013
Hi Luck. Hope This Helps... if you followed the Instructions in the video your Download Folder should be '/usr/Downloads' in the Jail

Download Folder Jail Loc: '/usr/Downloads'

In order for Transmission to write (Download) To this Folder, the user 'transmission:*:40001:' Must Have Write Permission
to the Download Folder in the JAIL

1. if you have shell Access (ssh) or you can use the GUI in the WEB Interface click -> 'SHELL'
2. freenas# jls
3. freenas# jexec 2 tcsh in the '2' just replace with your 'JID'
4. plugins# cd /usr/
5. plugins# ls -ld Downloads/
This Should Be your permissions
drwxrwxr-x 2 1001 transmission 3 Jan 28 14:03 Downloads/
The user Transmission has Read/Write/Execute In The Downloads Folder Keep in mind the '1001' is the user ID in the non jail ENV

If your Permissions Dont looks Like This Follow step 6

6. plugins# chown -R 1001:transmission Downloads/

Now Set your Permissions to 775
7. plugins# chmod -R 775 Downloads/

if your still have problem Follow Step 8
8. Assuming your Parent Dir For your Downloads Folder is 'Media' Make sure you set that folder to 777 not a safe thing to do
but if your not accessing it from the Public your fine. and beats pulling your hair off..

9. set 777 to Media/
$ chmod 777 Media/

10. $ cd Media/
11. $ chmod -R 775 Downloads/
12. $ chown -R alex:40001 Downloads/

Hope This helps..

Between step 3 and step 4, how do you get to plugins#?

I have this issue. I want transmission to download torrents to a mount point, but instead it wants to save way deep in /mnt/storage1/jails/software/usr/pbi/transmission-i386/etc/transmission/home/Downloads

This is unacceptable because it is on a volume which has little space for torrents.

transmission in the jail sees the directory as

the mount point i want to use is (it points to mnt/storage0/torrents which is outside the jail on a bigger volume)

which to transmission should be

however i get a permission denied error when I try to start a torrent download to that path. I even tried changing the mount point but it won't mount - mounted = false.

How do I set permissions?



Jan 28, 2013
Okay you need to create a folder called 'Download' under /usr/ in your JAIL make sure the folder Downloads the user 'Transmission' has rwx on the Download Folder, also get UID for the user who owns the '/mnt/storage1/jails/software/mnt/torrents' mine the owner is alex with a UID of 1001
chown 1001:transmission Downloads
chmod 775 Downloads

Screen Shot 2013-02-10 at 11.13.53 AM.jpg

on your /mnt/storage1/jails/software/mnt/torrents Create a Folder Called Downloads
chgroup 40001 Downloads
chmod 775 Downloads

Now go into Management > Add Mount Point
Des:(Jail) /usr/Downloads

Now open the Transmission Plugin Settings and change the Watch Dir and download Dir to point to the Jail /usr/Downloads
Screen Shot 2013-02-10 at 11.09.04 AM.jpg
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