[Suggestion] Improvements to the Snapshots UI (Scale) | Show more, Remember choice, search/filter multiple parameters


Feb 25, 2023
I believe that the Snapshot UI could be a better and stronger tool. And I believe that it shouldn't need to much work to get there.
Feel free to upvote any of my two JIRA-tickets below, where I suggest the two points below

JIRA: Increase the number of viewable snapshots, and remember default choice
For a system that is really encouraging the use of snapshots. The UI for viewing and managing them is really working against the user. I believe that this could be remedied greatly through a couple of improvements.
Two of whiche are:

1. Let users choose to view far more than 100 snapshots at a time. I would then like to se "250, 500, 1000, all" added as options.

2. Let the WebUI remember or be able to choose a higher default value, other than 10.

JIRA: More powerfull search/filtering for snapshots
It would greatly enhance the usability of the Snapshot UI-pane if we could search/filter by multiple parameters.
Each specified search parameter could then be presented in the same way as a chosen dataset, in the include/exclude sections. This would enable easy viewing of which search parameters are being used, and also being able to close/remove them. See later screenshot of what I mean.

These parameters would also be treated as AND-statement.

With the Screenshot I'm posting later to help exemplify this. I'm trying to suggest how it could be.
'X' examplifies where the "remove search parameter would be
Search: (auto-hourly- X) (27 X)
Result: Show all snapshots containing the terms "auto-hourly-" AND "27". This would result in being able to only show the snapshots taken on the 27th in *this* case.