SOLVED How to clean up after cloning Snapshots?


Apr 9, 2021
Yesterday, for the first time, I followed what I believe are the steps to clone and share a couple of snapshots. I was hoping they would contain files, but they didn't, so i deleted the clones in the 'Pools' view. I have two questions now. First, why were the Snapshots empty, having a reported 'Used' size of zero in the Pools view?

Secondly, how do I clean up the mess that got left behind? Specifically, one snapshot still shows up in Shell as still mounted. It shows up as having an ACL too but I see no way to delete that, only disable it. I cannot cd into it, nor can I rmdir delete it. How do I clean up this unwanted garbage please?


Just some extra information - this clone no longer appears as a Dataset (I deleted it) and no longer appears as a Share (I deleted it). It DOES appear if I go tot eh GUI and choose Samba share/Add and expand /mnt/NAS - then I see it listed, and also in the corresponding directory (/mnt/NAS) in Shell. All attempts to rmdir, cd, zfs kill, zfs promote etc are met with the claim that it does not exist.

The command zfs list -r /mnt/NAS has output which fails to include the clone.
The command zfs list snapshot -r /mnt/NAS also has output which fails to include the clone.
mc (Midnight Commander) lists it as a directory, but ALL commands like rm and rmdir say it doesn't exist, even though ls lists it as clear and present. Insanely maddening!!!!!!!!

These permissions may have some bearing on the problem?



Thank you!
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Apr 9, 2021
Well I'm going to leave this here just for coment, but I had a little lateral thinking, and looked at the situation via Windows samb share. There I saw a version of the rougue folder and - deleted it in the usual perfectly straightforward way! Checked back in TrueNAS Shell and yes, it's gone! I may never know why TrueNAS wasn't able to deal with it, but it sure makes me nervous about cloning any more snapshots sadly!