Some maps not available unless mapping to IP

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Apr 14, 2015

I have two arrays setup on my system, one is a Z1 array which hosts movies, music and TV (basically anything i wont worry about during a rebuild should that happen) and another pair of Mirror drives which hosts more important data.

These each have CFIS shares with identical permission settings.

Share 1: My mirror drives are shared as "/mnt/redmirror" and is mapped in windows as "\\freenas\data"
Share 2: The media is shared as "/mnt/z1array/media share" mapped as "\\freenas\media"

Share 3: The Z1 array root is not shared as ive got the jails on this array too;
So i can have a snoop, ive also had the jails shared as "/mnt/z1array/Jails", mapped as "\\freenas\jails"

Share 4: I also have a share for where windows does its C drive backup too;
the backup is shared as "/mnt/z1array/cImage", mapped as "\\freenas\cimage"

With each mapping, ive logged in with different credentials, which match those setup under the wheel group.

So far, ive not had any access issues and nothing has changed since things were all setup.

Tonight, ive noticed Share 2 and Share 4 are marked as being not accessible. If i disconnect and remap, the system cannot find the resource. If i map as the ip (eg \\\media) then i can connect with no issues.

I'm just wondering why 2 of the 3 shares on "/mnt/z1array/.." are only being accessible by mapping the IP? Has a setting dropped, or perhaps too many shares? Server and PC has been rebooted but issue returns. I get the same issue accessing from another windows machine too.

I would be happy enough to just map everything to the IP but i never like when things work then stop for some reason.

Cheers in advance for any help which can be offered.
Mar 6, 2014
Have you tried the "Hostnames lookups" setting in the CIFS service?
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