Security: Jails versus VMs

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Apr 11, 2016
But this is forced to run as a jail, and jails are not that safe as normal VMs and I normally have my server not connected to the internet. So because of this security reasons I am still not using it :(
I don't want to let someone from outside have access to my private data - and my server has a lot of them like photos and documents....
I know this is off topic, but can you please elaborate? I am asking this out of interest as I was lucky to be able to follow up a security audit a few years ago that was covering Solaris zones. At least at that time there was no reason to claim that a VM would be safer than os-level virt.


Apr 21, 2014


Apr 11, 2016
Last edited:


Not strong, but bad
Sep 12, 2014


Apr 11, 2016
The explanation I seek is more background from @IceBoosteR on the topic that " jails are not that safe as normal VMs ".
As I see it, there is no reason to claim that a VM would be safer than os-level virt and Jgreco is saying that very same thing. But English is not my mother tongue so I may not be able to detect or interpret (subtle?) nuances.


Apr 21, 2014
As I see it, there is no reason to claim that a VM would be safer than os-level virt and Jgreco is saying that very same thing.


Sep 27, 2016
The explanation I seek is more background from @IceBoosteR on the topic that " jails are not that safe as normal VMs ".
As I see it, there is no reason to claim that a VM would be safer than os-level virt and Jgreco is saying that very same thing. But English is not my mother tongue so I may not be able to detect or interpret (subtle?) nuances.
On security sides, this are maybe nuances, but technically a big difference. Of course there are limitations with each technology used, but this is not part of this discussion.
Let me give you this point of view:
You run a big server with ESX or Xen installed, ontop running Windows, Ubuntu, FreeBSD. Now there is a attacker, beeing able to get into the Guest-OS, andwant to infiltrate the Host-OS too, as it is more interesting. So this is "mostly" impossible, because the attacker does not know in the first place which OS he is going to attack, so he/she cannot use vendor specific attacks. Of course there were bugs out there where such a scenario was possbible, but this was getting fixed very soon. VMs are used all over the world by big companys, and even big companys are selling resources based on VMs (Azure, AWS, ...).
FreBSD jails on the otherhand works completely different, sharing the same resources and most important, the same kernel. This can lead to way easier attacks.

Put this was only one short scenario, I am not a native speaker at all, so may those post help you:

But this also comes from a personal view, there is no blog or so where you can see a FreeBSD system getting hacked from a insecure jail.
If you want to use jails, do your homework as you should always do when using FreeNAS :D


Hall of Famer
Aug 16, 2011
This post has already been cited in this thread (secondhand), and (like pretty much everything else at that site) is useless in assessing how secure (or otherwise) jails are. Even if his historical claims were accurate (and @jgreco does a good job showing how they aren't), he simply gives no explanation about where the supposed problems are. He rants and rants, and apparently expects his readers to take him at his word without question.


Apr 11, 2016
I see your point, but still don't see a reason why VMS are more secure. Let me elaborate. An attacker that has access to the guest OS will immediately be able to tell you what hardware or virt method the guest is running on. Dmidecode, virt-what, even windows device manager will tell you all about the virtualized devices and thus reveal the nature and even version of the hypervisor. Then we speak of kernels, yes they are not shared in a VM as they are on an os-based virt, but they are pretty much based on the same code, rhev (kvm based), xen and even VMware hypervisors are based on the same kernel code and I am pretty sure they are not going to rewrite openssh completely to make sure the hypervisor is accessible. AWS was running on xen, now on kvm, again pretty sure they are running on a heavily modified Linux kernel, but based on the same source.
To put a long story short, I still don't see a valid security reason to run on VMS instead of jails (or vice-versa). Especially now when with a single CPU bug all sorts of virt technology is impacted at once.


Apr 21, 2014
To put a long story short, I still don't see a valid security reason to run on VMS instead of jails (or vice-versa). Especially now when with a single CPU bug all sorts of virt technology is impacted at once.

There isn't a valid security reason to run on VMs instead of jails (or vice-versa). And further more, the line between VM and jail/container is excessively blurred today. Paravirtualization technologies mean many guest OSes are tightly integrated with the host hypervisor, and technologies like VT-d mean that VMs are accessing hardware directly.


Sep 27, 2016
Got your points, I am still searching for THAT specific internet website, where I got the information, where they explain in detail why they are not secure. But it may be, that this website is outdated. In this case I would revice my statement. What will be left then, is a personal feeling of good and better :O

Especially now when with a single CPU bug all sorts of virt technology is impacted at once.
And this is killing them all :D


Apr 21, 2014
A common misconception I see is that jails are vulnerable because root can escape a chroot environment. A jail's security, however, goes deeper than that. Try running any one of the chroot escapes on a jail, and you'll still be in that jail. There are also some "exploits" that allow a root user to be "sprung" from a jail, but that requires root users on the outside of the jail to be complicit. In other words, you have to have root access to a system in advance in order to get root access out of a jail.


Resident Grinch
May 29, 2011
I see your point, but still don't see a reason why VMS are more secure. Let me elaborate. An attacker that has access to the guest OS will immediately be able to tell you what hardware or virt method the guest is running on.

So... what? Guess what. I can guess that you're running on some sort of i386 or amd64 platform, and that you have some MB's or GB's of RAM, and that you seem to have some HDD, and that you booted from BIOS or EFI, etc., and I've got a virtually 100% chance of being correct. Yet this information does not allow me to jump out of your screen and sit in your physical chair. Likewise, for VM's, knowing these things are not helpful to escaping the environment.

Dmidecode, virt-what, even windows device manager will tell you all about the virtualized devices and thus reveal the nature and even version of the hypervisor.

This is generally useless information for an attacker, and actually useful information for the user of a VM to be aware of, at least sometimes. If it's really a problem, you can actually mask things like the CPU type, but I rarely see this done.

Then we speak of kernels, yes they are not shared in a VM as they are on an os-based virt, but they are pretty much based on the same code, rhev (kvm based), xen and even VMware hypervisors are based on the same kernel code and I am pretty sure they are not going to rewrite openssh completely to make sure the hypervisor is accessible. AWS was running on xen, now on kvm, again pretty sure they are running on a heavily modified Linux kernel, but based on the same source.

What does this have to do with anything? Lots of things are based on FreeBSD or Linux. This is a matter of degree of compartmentalization.

To put a long story short, I still don't see a valid security reason to run on VMS instead of jails (or vice-versa). Especially now when with a single CPU bug all sorts of virt technology is impacted at once.

There's lots of reasons. VM's offer significantly better compartmentalization. Now, bear in mind that I was one of the sysadmins who worked with phk early on with jails, and I still use the technology, I just don't use it to build highly complex single-platform jail systems anymore, even though I like the technology. I am keenly familiar with both the upsides and pitfalls.

When you create a FreeBSD jail, you are changing the configuration of an existing FreeBSD system, and a problematic configuration change can have significant impacts on other jailed applications, such as making the whole jail subsystem inoperable, causing problems with networking, etc.

Part of the original goal of jails was to allow sharing of cached libraries and code, an admirable goal back in ~2000, but it leads to certain problems like creating difficulties in doing upgrades or updates of the base system without also requiring all the jails to be updated or upgraded. The general solution of using independent filesystem trees eliminates the sharing benefits and moves you closer to a VM-style resource consumption model.

It is difficult to scope network access for jails. I routinely make complicated virtual machines and can define the network scope by creating interfaces on various networks to control the access a VM has. I can have some VM's with one leg "live" on the Internet and another interface on a DMZ, without any significant concern that an intruder could gain access to more of the network than the DMZ. Explicitly setting the ethernet interfaces is preferable. It is *possible* to do this with jails, but really requires a bunch of implicit firewall hacking to protect the base system from the Internet and to enforce other policy. Because the system firewall affects all jails, it is pretty easy to mess this up, and so there is a significant security risk there.

Further, with true VM's, each VM can have its own firewall, and is not limited to using whatever the administrator of the host system chose for firewall technology, so you can be running VM's with ipfw, pf, and even ipf (for those oldsters) as viable choices. Each VM gets its own actual IP stack, you can arrange for things like PCIe passthru for a VM in order to be able to use host VIF's, and the networking resources of the host system, especially including the routing table and administrative networks, are in no way involved in the VM.

With true VM's, there is no sharing of the host system's filesystem, and therefore no realistic chance of inadvertent alteration of files between jails, which often use a symlink or hardlink design to cause different jails to share content. This is a security blessing but a resource consumption nightmare.

With true VM's, you can run multiple versions of FreeBSD. The cluster here has FreeBSD 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 VM's running in various roles. I am not obligated to update everything just because I take a jail host from FreeBSD 10 to FreeBSD 11. This allows me to gain the security provided by newer patched versions of the OS, while not forcing me to update *everything*, including stuff where there's no realistic risk of an exploit and/or where newer versions of the software running on the VM aren't even available.

With true VM's, you can run multiple operating systems, so there are Ubuntu, Debian, Solaris, SUSE Enterprise, Windows XP/7/10, and a smattering of other operating system types all running here. Not every task runs (or runs well) on every platform, so a good security policy is to pick a platform a package was designed to run on, rather than trying to hammer on it until you finally make FreeBSD support it.

With VM's, I can vMotion a running VM from one hypervisor to another without shutting the VM down. This is great for host maintenance and patching. Many jail hosts run the risk of needing to patch and impacting the workload by needing to reboot, and for significant updates, then there's also the risk that the update may have broken the jail. With a VM, you just move the workload off the host.

With VM's, I can Storage vMotion my running VM's off a backend NAS so that it may be shut down for a firmware upgrade, also a security consideration.

Try creating an NFS server in a jail. You cannot do it. It's trivial to make an NFS server in a VM environment, just install any BSD or Linux. Creating separate fileservers allows for strong compartmentalization and resiliency, so that you can have one VM NFS server on SSD for your working documents, while storing larger files on a different one based on HDD, both of which replicate to your FreeNAS for long term storage and redundancy, each of which is only visible on appropriate networks. This is more secure.

With a VM, it is possible to arrange private access to backend SAN or NAS storage that are not available to other guests. The ability to arrange private access to nonlocal storage is tenuous at best on a jail platform, and very likely requires the intervention of the jail host's administrator.

VM's allow you to create specialized systems that are hyper-focused on doing a single task, and doing that one task well. This is easier to build, easier to understand, easier to audit, easier to reproduce, all of which are favorable security qualities.

VM's are easier to monitor, and it is easier to catch things like runaway workloads or a VM being hit by some sort of DoS attack because comprehensive monitoring tools come by default in vCenter.

When your jail host finally runs out of oomph and you need to split the workload onto a second one, this can be a major adventure even for a senior sysadmin. Because VM's are inherently compartmentalized, all you need to do in a VM environment is add a new hypervisor and rebalance the workload with DRS, or even just move some VM's manually. This probably is outside the scope of your question which was about security benefits. So while I have a bunch of other upsides to VM's, I may have run out of the ones that have a clear security advantage.


Resident Grinch
May 29, 2011
Incidentally, I'll point out that my answer was aimed as a general comparison of truly virtualized vs containerized/jailed compartmentalization strategies. There are various limitations and capabilities inherent in full bare metal ("Type 1") hypervisors, such as where you run FreeNAS on ESXi alongside other VM's, or hosted ("Type 2") hypervisors such as bhyve, where you are running a guest VM using FreeBSD as a host, or "container" systems such as Docker which are kind of a formalized scaffolding for implementing single-kernel jail-ish things, or FreeBSD's "jail" system or Solaris "zones" which merely provide a partitioning system at the OS level without necessarily forcing you to use a given preconceived implementation (in the way Docker does). I picked ESXi VM's and jails in my comparison because they are farthest apart on the spectrum.
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