SAS 15k rpm drive performance question

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Feb 10, 2014

I'm playing around with 15k RPM SAS drives and I'd like to understand an unexpected (for me that is ;-) ) behaviour.
It's not directly related to FreeNAS so I'm not sure to post in the right category...

For the hardware:
I'm using a HP DL380G6 with dual xeon L5640 and 208GB of RAM. It's running ESXi 6.5 and FreeNAS 11 in a VM (with 64GB dedicated RAM and 4 vCPU). An LSI flashed HBA is passed through to the FreeNAS VM.
There are 5 SAS 146GB @15k RPM drives connected.

I thought first to wipe the drives and used the FreeNAS GUI. It was very slow, like two hours.
So I used dd to check it (and I found out later that the FreeNAS GUI does the same).
With dd if=/dev/zero | pv | dd of=/dev/da1 I played a bit (with the block sizes) and the best I could get out of it was 26MB/s.

I was surprised, not quite what I would have expected for a 15k RPM drive... :-O (I never used 15k RPM drives before).

I thought "well ok, maybe there is a hardware incompatibility somewhere.... too bad".

And I went on and created a RAIDz2 volume (I tried with RAIDz and RAIDz3 as well) and a shared (SMB) dataset and started to copy data on it (through a 1 gigabit network).
To my surprise I got a 110MB/s throughput (the maximum for a gigabit network). So here I thought the RAM is doing the caching but even when the RAM was filled up I still had a sustained 100-110MB/s (I filled up the dataset completely).
And during a SCRUB I had speeds of approx. 690MB/s.

So I checked the zero generator (I first used the /dev/urandom generator): dd if=/dev/zero | pv | dd of=/dev/null and had about 100MB/s (and with the /dev/urandom generator only 37MB/s that's why I didn't use it).

I would like to understand why the dd command is so slow when zeroing a drive, what am I missing? I tried it with SATA drives (@5900rpm) and I got a speed of 130MB/s by comparison.
And why is the urandom generator so slow (it seems normal since on my test system I get like 28MB/s but out of curiosity I'd like to understand)?
I'm also surprised that the zero generator seems a bit slow compared to my test system where I get 408MB/s?!? (would that be because of Vmware?)

Otherwise the system performs quite well (at least for my usage on a gigabit network).
From a 15k drive I would expect more iOPs (but in a single user environment I wouldn't feel the difference I suppose) and a bit more throughput on the drives (but with a gigabit network, no big difference neither) compared to what I’m used to.

Thanks for your feedback!


Aug 7, 2016
Sounds like you have a grasp on what your doing. I didn't see you mention what block sizes you used. i would try dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/daX bs=200k. You should get around 200MB/s.

EDIT: 200k = 2048000 Bytes... Stupid math.


Feb 10, 2014
I tried several different block sizes like:
8B; 16B; 32B; 64B; 128B; 256B; 512B;
1k; 2k; 4k; 8k; 16k; 32k; 64k; 128k; 256k; 512k;
1M; 2M; 4M; 8M: 16M
(even tried 256M :-P)

I got the best speeds with 256 (either B, k or M) therefore I used bs=256k

I also used the option conv=notrunc but that shouldn't have any effect on the speed.


Documentation Browser
Jan 12, 2015
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