Alec Edworthy
- Joined
- Feb 27, 2014
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- 19
I'm hoping someone on here can help me with what sounds like it should be a really easy thing but has baffled me so far. I have a server running FreeNAS with one ethernet interface which has a public IPv4 address and a public IPv6 address associated with it. I want to create some jails to run other software in but rather than them getting IPv4 addresses from the public range the box is on I want to run up a private network and NAT them out onto the public network as necessary. I am happy to allocate them public IPv6 addresses (I've plenty of them spare) but their IPv4 addresses need to be private. I have succeeded in getting a jail up and running with another IPv4 address from the public range allocated to it but have struggled to create one using a NAT'd range instead. For the sake of arguments let's assume my FreeNAS's external IP address is (it isn't, that's clearly a private IP address but I didn't really want to put my real public IP in a posting ;)) and I want to use as the IP address range for the jail(s).
I've tried setting the jail IP address range to with .1 and .254 as the upper and lower IP address limits in the Jails -> Configuration section and then adding a jail with an address from that range but when it comes up it has no connectivity. I am guessing I'm doing one little bit wrong but I'll be damned if I can work out what it is. Please can someone hold my hand through getting this up and running? I am sure I could do it back hacking around with FreeNAS to enable NAT manually and enabling packet forwarding in ipfw etc. but I'd rather do it through more approved methods so that it is done in a FreeNAS friendly way, and hopefully one which will easily survive upgrades (and where possible a clean re-install and configuration file restore) rather than hacking the base OS.
Am I asking for the moon on a stick and/or expecting more from FreeNAS than I should? Is this beyond the scope of a normal FreeNAS set up?
Lastly a bit of background about me: I am very much at home working on the command line of a Linux server (Linux user for over 17 years, looking after Linux server in one form or another for around 12 of those) but am relatively new to FreeBSD et al. I work for the networks team at a university in the UK and so am also very much at home with IP addresses, ethernet etc. This is in part why I am so frustrated that I'm having to resort to a posting here asking for help, this should be well within my skill set but it's eluded me so far
Please don't be afraid to be technical in any responses (but also don't be afraid to teach me to suck eggs if I'm really being that dumb).
Thank you in advance for your help.
Kind regards, Alec
I'm hoping someone on here can help me with what sounds like it should be a really easy thing but has baffled me so far. I have a server running FreeNAS with one ethernet interface which has a public IPv4 address and a public IPv6 address associated with it. I want to create some jails to run other software in but rather than them getting IPv4 addresses from the public range the box is on I want to run up a private network and NAT them out onto the public network as necessary. I am happy to allocate them public IPv6 addresses (I've plenty of them spare) but their IPv4 addresses need to be private. I have succeeded in getting a jail up and running with another IPv4 address from the public range allocated to it but have struggled to create one using a NAT'd range instead. For the sake of arguments let's assume my FreeNAS's external IP address is (it isn't, that's clearly a private IP address but I didn't really want to put my real public IP in a posting ;)) and I want to use as the IP address range for the jail(s).
I've tried setting the jail IP address range to with .1 and .254 as the upper and lower IP address limits in the Jails -> Configuration section and then adding a jail with an address from that range but when it comes up it has no connectivity. I am guessing I'm doing one little bit wrong but I'll be damned if I can work out what it is. Please can someone hold my hand through getting this up and running? I am sure I could do it back hacking around with FreeNAS to enable NAT manually and enabling packet forwarding in ipfw etc. but I'd rather do it through more approved methods so that it is done in a FreeNAS friendly way, and hopefully one which will easily survive upgrades (and where possible a clean re-install and configuration file restore) rather than hacking the base OS.
Am I asking for the moon on a stick and/or expecting more from FreeNAS than I should? Is this beyond the scope of a normal FreeNAS set up?
Lastly a bit of background about me: I am very much at home working on the command line of a Linux server (Linux user for over 17 years, looking after Linux server in one form or another for around 12 of those) but am relatively new to FreeBSD et al. I work for the networks team at a university in the UK and so am also very much at home with IP addresses, ethernet etc. This is in part why I am so frustrated that I'm having to resort to a posting here asking for help, this should be well within my skill set but it's eluded me so far
Thank you in advance for your help.
Kind regards, Alec