Revisiting docker containers with different VLANs

Vertigo 7

May 8, 2021
Lemme preface this by stating I don't know jack about docker, Kubernetes, truecharts, or any of the underlying tech involved with apps that are usable in Scale.

Having said that, I was told in the past that it was not likely that Scale would ever let us use different interfaces on a per app basis. But looking at the current beta release of Scale, as well as documentation on certain apps, it looks like that isn't the case now.

Using Plex as an example, from Plex's official docker image (not the one provided in Scale), to install plexinc/pms-docker, for my use case, I would want to use the Macvlan network configuration:

docker run \
-d \
--name plex \
--network=physical \
--ip=<IPAddress> \
-e TZ="<timezone>" \
-e PLEX_CLAIM="<claimToken>" \
-v <path/to/plex/database>:/config \
-v <path/to/transcode/temp>:/transcode \
-v <path/to/media>:/data \

The result would effectively be that Plex would run as a separate host from TrueNAS, like it can in core in a Jail. And, using the "deploy docker image" option, it appears that I can select a predefined network interface (like a created VLAN or Bridge interface) to use for the particular docker image I want to deploy.

But I also don't understand wtf I'm doing with docker so I dunno how to make their docker instructions translate to what I need to input in the "deploy docker image" options.

The goal here being that I have TrueNAS running on one VLAN, apps running in VLANs designated for their specific purposes, VMs running in VLANs designated for their specific purposes, just like I have things currently set up in Core. I'm hoping some kind soul can point me in the right direction. I really really really do wanna use Scale and this is, currently, the only thing stopping me from moving over.