Reporting stats of drives not aligned to correct drive label


Nov 13, 2018
Am I looking at a bug here or am I missing something obvious / misconfiguration. The thought has crossed my mind before tonight about how the reporting handles stats when the drives dont get assigned the same label on reboot. When I first built this server is was on 22.02.4 now on 22.12.0 and the drives labels did change a couple times during early reboots. I never thought anything of it since i know TrueNAS uses the GPTID for drive identification, and I just assumed reporting must show the current label and that it tracks data based on GPTID.

Today I noticed that during as scrub that it wasn't sda, sdb,sdc & sdd that were busy, but those are the 4 drives in the pool. Instead it was showing activity on sda, sdb, sdc & sdf.