Reporting data disappeared


Sep 28, 2022

I just noticed my TrueNAS-13.0-U2 has lost all reporting data (reporting tab) - Of any categories. The uptime is 18 days but data is only going back to 9:05 this morning, a time what somewhat coincides with adding two SSDs in the enclosure (but not yet added as a vdev in any pool).

- The system dataset is linked to one my pools that hasn't seen a change.
- The new disks are shown as belonging to no pool (Pool = "N/A")
- No error was reported
- No one has reset the data, changed anything in the reporting settings
- Datapoints is set to 1200

Is this a known bug, or something that might happen for some reason that I am not aware of

Which log file should I be looking at, and what am I searching for?