Removing snapshot

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Apr 6, 2012

So, I've got a ZFS volume here with snapshots enabled. I ran into a situation whereby I needed to restore a snapshot to grab a couple of files, so I cloned the relevant snapshot and was able to successfully recover the data I needed.

I now want to remove cloned snapshot from my active datasets.

When I've done this in the past I've just hit the "Destroy Dataset" button on the "Active Volumes" page in the web interface, but this time around rather than remove it from the list it throws an error message.

It says that the file system has children and that I should pass the 'zfs destroy' command the '-r' flag to do so recursively.

Now, I'm a tad confused -- I want to remove the cloned snapshot from appearing in day-to-day usage (eg. CIFS shares), but I'm not trying to remove the snapshot itself which I understand would break all subsequent snapshots.

I don't care about any of the data within the cloned data set (eg. if Windows create a 'desktop.ini' file in the folder or something whilst I was restoring data), as long as the 'real' data remains hidden away in the snapshot itself.

If I do a 'zfs destory -r' will it simply be removing the cloned dataset from day-to-day usage, or is it actually talking about removing the snapshot itself?

[Sorry, I know I'm probably misusing terminology here - I'm still trying to get my head around ZFS :)]
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