Rebuild jails under 11.3


Mar 2, 2013
So I ended up with complete f**up when it came to upgrading from 11.2-U7 to 11.3 *separate post*

Finally managed to get all my jails back building them from scratch *and where possible relying on some backups, such as Plex*

My final problem is to get nextcloud to fully work with aide, urandom, postfix-sasl etc.
Set all up pointing to my gmail, but no matter what I do I receive a authentication error message

running echo "Test Email Contents" | mail -s "Postfix Test Email" (my target email@***.com works, BUT only when running it as a root outside the jail!

cron job still throw the authentication auth errors
** actually once I deleted the mail lol within the jail it wont re-appear or be re-created

cron is running within the jail but nothing

Running the test email from within the jail = nothing
Runnign the test email as root outside all jail = works!

gmail have been set to "Access for less secure apps setting has been turned on "

Made an attempt to change to gmail smtp to my own personal server = works as root outside the jail, but same nada within the jail

Other than sending a test email, I dont seem to receive anything from this process - Any ideas....?
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