Plugins can installed but nothing else

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Mar 25, 2014
Hello everyone!

I'm a noob in this topic, so just easy on me.:) I set up a small NAS recently and with help from few how-to guides I managed to install, and run the version of FreeNAS. Maybe useful to share, I use UFS instead of ZFS, one volume with existing data on it. Although I don't want to share with everybody on the local network, only users/devices with passwords.
My problem is with plugins (namely Couchpotato, Sickbeard, Transmission, and miniDLNA). After install, the first two never appear in the left coloumn under Plugins, the other two mostly do. However I can't change the settings of miniDLNA there, upon saving, just getting a "An error occured!" message. I was able to change the settings of Transmission only.
I set the jails IP range inside my router DHCP range, according to the freenas documentasion, that's a no-go, so I changed that, nevertheless nothing changed, I was able to ping in both case the jails' IPs.
I set the storage for all the plugins, according to this post, so for example one of Sickbeard's storage source/destination is this:
One slight change from the post, that instead of mnt/data/{series/movies/music} I used the already existing counterparts in my native language, so Sickbeard should find my series in source:/mnt/data/Sorozatok destination:/media/Sorozatok.
(I've tried to reach them via browser, with IP, IP:PORT, IP:PORT/manage, with no luck, although I'm not sure it should have work until setting the preferences, and turn them on. My router use UPnP, but tried port forwarding too.)
Naturally I can't turn them on, Couchpotato and Sickbeard gives back "Some error occoured!", the other two just don't turn on.
I applied the tail /var/log/messages in the shells, only to get:
Mar 25 11:10:00 transmission_1 cron[24381]: _secure_path: /etc/login.conf is not
owned by root                                                                 
Mar 25 11:13:58 transmission_1 su: in openpam_check_desc_owner_perms(): /etc/pam
.d/su: insecure ownership or permissions                                       
Mar 25 11:13:58 transmission_1 su: pam_start: system error                     
Mar 25 11:13:58 transmission_1 root: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/transmission: WARNING:
failed to start transmission                                                   
Mar 25 11:14:03 transmission_1 su: in openpam_check_desc_owner_perms(): /etc/pam
.d/su: insecure ownership or permissions                                       
Mar 25 11:14:03 transmission_1 su: pam_start: system error                     
Mar 25 11:14:03 transmission_1 root: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/transmission: WARNING:
failed to start transmission                                                   
Mar 25 11:15:00 transmission_1 cron[28236]: _secure_path: /etc/login.conf is not
owned by root                                                                 
Mar 25 11:15:00 transmission_1 cron[28236]: login_getclass: unknown class 'daemo
Mar 25 11:15:00 transmission_1 cron[28236]: _secure_path: /etc/login.conf is not
owned by root

The others only yield the "/etc/login.conf is not owned by root", and the "deamon" lines.
So I found chown command and used it, maybe incorrectly, and definitely uneffectively, because I'm not sure it changed anything at all. First tried to give ownership of this login.conf to the root user, and later the ownership of my data in /data/*. No luck. Then I read I must create in Freenas and add ownership of my data to matching users/groups like created in the jails by the plugins, so I have 'media' user and group for Sickbeard, and Couchpotato, and 'transmission' user and group for Transmission, and DLNA user, and dlna group for miniDLNA. I added them to the existing group of real users and devices, which group owns /mnt/data (owner user: nobody). No luck.

When I restart any of the jails, I get this message:
warden_exception('Shared object "" not found, required by "python"\n',

And that's it, here I am. Thank you for reading it! Any help appreciated!
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