PLEX - Millions of empty pms-xxxxx-xxxxx folders created in tmp


Aug 26, 2021
Plex jail: 12.2-RELEASE-p9
Server Version#:
Player Version#:

Hello, anyone run into this issue where the ‘/iocage/jails/plexmediaserver/root/tmp’ folder is full of empty pms-xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx folders? In my case there were over 5.6 million folders in there. Not sure how long it took to create all the folders but from what I could see it’s been going on since January 2021. It’s very difficult to work with a folder that big so I could not get a complete folder listing.

I used the command ‘find tmp/ -type d -name ‘pms-*’ -delete’ to remove just the pms folders and restarted the jail. Everything came up and was working like it should, but I noticed plex was creating the empty pms folders again in tmp. After a few plugin restarts and clearing out the pms folders, it stopped after only setting up 2 pms-xxx-xxxx folders.

I have monitored the tmp folder for a few days and it looked stable until today when the server restarted at 6 am and I saw that there were 7 thousand pms folders again and growing around 8:45am.

So I did the same procedure, clear out the tmp folder and restarted the jail a few times until plex stopped creating pms folders in the tmp folder. There are currently just 2 pms folders.

So I’m wondering if this is happening on other systems or just mine? Can anyone check the plex jail tmp folder and let me know how many pms folders you see? Or if anyone has a solution to fix this issue.

I have posted in the plex forums as well.

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Nov 25, 2019
I just checked the folder on my system. I also have some pms-* files in there but only about 30.