OS X Server 10.6.8 Can't Connect To FreeNAS 8.0.2 AFP Shares

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Dec 14, 2011
Cross-posting this from the sourceforge forums where I posted it last week. I didn't get any replies there but I didn't know this forum existed, here seems more appropriate. Been trying out FreeNAS 8.0.2 for a few months, very impressed so far, wonderful piece of software you guys are maintaining. I'm running on a SuperMicro board with a Xeon X5272 @ 3.40GHz with two 12-disk RAIDs combined into a single 18TB ZFS volume. This is the first issue I've run into so far that has me stumped:

I'm running 3 AFP shares out of folders in the RAID, being shared to a small lab of Apple computers that can all connect to them perfectly. I'm also running OS X Server (10.6.8) off a Mac Pro with a RAID of it's own, running it's own AFP, NFS and SMB services. It's been having major difficulties connecting to my FreeNAS system. The initial authentification goes fine- I enter my username and password on the OS X Server machine and the FreeNAS displays the three AFP shares in it's Finder window. However, attempting to mount one of these volumes freezes the Finder completely for at least 30 seconds. The selected share usually does eventually mount on the desktop, but opening it up reveals no folders or files. If I try creating a folder, the finder freezes for another 30-60 seconds before the untitled folder appears (All my other machines end up seeing all folders and files plus the untitled folder I attempt to make). Additionally, a check of the OS X Server's logs seems to reveal that the share keeps disconnecting / reconnecting every 30 seconds:

12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	KernelEventAgent[72]	tid 00000000 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	KernelEventAgent[72]	tid 00000000 type 'afpfs', mounted on '/Volumes/JOBS', from 'afp_2P48UP39ziwn4n1lDw20yFTg-4.2d000004', not responding
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	KernelEventAgent[72]	tid 00000000 found 1 filesystem(s) with problem(s)
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	KernelEventAgent[72]	tid 00000000 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	ASP_TCP CancelOneRequest:  cancelling slot 102 error 32 reqID 272 flags 0x9 afpCmd 0x40 so 0x1822c534
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	ASP_TCP Disconnect: triggering reconnect by bumping reconnTrigger from curr value 32 on so 0x1822c534
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  GetReconnectToken failed 32 /Volumes/JOBS
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect started /Volumes/JOBS prevTrigger 32 currTrigger 33
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  doing reconnect on /Volumes/JOBS
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  posting to KEA EINPROGRESS for /Volumes/JOBS
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Max reconnect time: 30 secs, Connect timeout: 15 secs for /Volumes/JOBS
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  connect to the server /Volumes/JOBS
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Logging in with uam 8 /Volumes/JOBS
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Restoring session /Volumes/JOBS
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	ASP_TCP ReplayPendingReqs: replaying slot 71 with reqID 106 afpCmd 0x3D on so 0x1822c534
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	ASP_TCP ReplayPendingReqs: replaying slot 72 with reqID 107 afpCmd 0x11 on so 0x1822c534
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	ASP_TCP ReplayPendingReqs: replaying slot 73 with reqID 108 afpCmd 0x11 on so 0x1822c534
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	ASP_TCP ReplayPendingReqs: replaying slot 74 with reqID 109 afpCmd 0x11 on so 0x1822c534
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	ASP_TCP ReplayPendingReqs: replaying slot 97 with reqID 242 afpCmd 0x11 on so 0x1822c534
12/9/11 11:39:54 AM	kernel	AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  get the reconnect token
12/9/11 11:40:19 AM	fseventsd[78]	SLOWDOWN: client 0x100836000 (pid 226) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 95)

These freezes do eventually seem to lock up the Finder permanently, at which point a forced shutdown is necessary. Meanwhile, the FreeNAS system keeps reporting these sorts of errors:

afpd[4155] dsi_stream_read: len:0, unexpected EOF
afpd[4155] read: operation timed out
afpd[4155] dsi_stream_read: len:-1, operation timed out

A quick search of this forum and the intergoogles suggests this is a Time Machine related issue, so I made sure that Time Machine was turned off on the OS X Server and unchecked "Enable As Time Machine Destination" on the one share that I was using for network Time Machine backups. But still the problem persists. Does anyone here have any insights into what the problem might be? Any ideas at all? Thanks in advance for any help!


Oct 19, 2011
for what it's worth, i use a few 10.6.8 osx systems mounting afp volumes from a freenas. Two of them
is used for time-machine backups. No problems encountered so far ..

I do not have an osx server however.
Sep 5, 2011
I am having a problem with an afp share too. I'm running OSX 10.6.7 and I have two servers both with exactly the same FreeNAS setup. One is very reliable but the other keeps disconnecting whenever I am backing up to it. Any advice would be welcome.

P.S. I use the FreeNAS GUI as I have virtually no technical ability so please keep it simple for me if you can.
Sep 5, 2011
Every time I try to write more than a small file to my server it disconnects but if I leave it for a little while I can reconnect however it disconnects again when I try writing to it. I connected up a monitor to it today and this I what it shows me. I am afraid that I don't know what it means or how to fix it.
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