Onedrive backup credentials not working


Nov 5, 2022
I am New to Truenas. I wanted to backup all my data on Onedrive, as my Organization gives me 1Tb of Onedrive space. When entering my credentials everything works fine. I set my account type to Buisness, and set the Disk that I want to use. When I verify the credentials everything works fine. When I save the credentials, and then reopen the config, the account is set to personal and no drives show up. I have tried this multiple times and the output is always the same. I have tried to sync with the account and I get this error:

Error: [EFAULT] Errors: 135 (fatal error encountered) Checks: 1 / 1, 100% Elapsed time: 4.3s Failed to sync with 135 errors: last error was: failed to make directory: quotaLimitReached: Quota limit reached rclone failed with exit code 7

I have tried with google drives and it works flawlessly. Am I doing anything wrong?
Any help would be appreciated