No file format on FreeNas

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Mar 24, 2013
Hi guys,

How are you?

I have a FreeNAS box at work. FreeNAS-8.3.0-RELEASE-p1-x64 (r12825).
We have 6 disks, each of disk is 3TB.
We have 3 volumes, each is 2.7TB.
We copied data from Windows OS to FreeNAS.
For some reason, these data no longer visible to us.
All we got is there is a big file 2.63 TB (2,899,102,924,800 bytes).
From Windows OS, We can see \\FREENAS\Data1, \\FREENAS\Data2, \\FREENAS\Data3.
From FreeNAS shell,
root@freenas ~]# cd ..
[root@freenas /]# ls
.cshrc boot etc mnt sys
.profile cfg home proc tmp
.snap conf lib rescue usr
COPYRIGHT data libexec root var
bin dev media sbin
[root@freenas /]# cd mnt
[root@freenas /mnt]# ls
.snap Mirror1mirror Mirror2mirror Mirror3mirror md_size
[root@freenas /mnt]# cd Mirror1mirror
[root@freenas /mnt/Mirror1mirror]# ls
.cshrc .mail_aliases .rhosts .windows
.login .mailrc .shrc Data1
.login_conf .profile .snap
[root@freenas /mnt/Mirror1mirror]# cd ..
[root@freenas /mnt]# cd Mirror2mirror
[root@freenas /mnt/Mirror2mirror]# ls
.freenas .snap .windows Data2
[root@freenas /mnt/Mirror2mirror]# cd ..
[root@freenas /mnt]# cd Mirror3mirror
[root@freenas /mnt/Mirror3mirror]# ls
.snap Data3
[root@freenas /mnt/Mirror3mirror]#
[root@freenas /mnt/Mirror3mirror]# file -s Data3
Data3: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0xee, starthead 0, startsector 1, 429496
7295 sectors, code offset 0xc0, OEM-ID " м", Bytes/sector 190, sectors/clus
ter 124, reserved sectors 191, FATs 6, root entries 185, sectors 64514 (volumes
<=32 MB) , Media descriptor 0xf3, sectors/FAT 20644, heads 6, hidden sectors 309
755, sectors 2147991229 (volumes > 32 MB) , physical drive 0x7e, dos < 4.0 BootS
ector (0x0)

I really want to be able to read these data in Windows if possible, many thanks.
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