How to delete Jail Dataset

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Jan 13, 2013
so i upgraded to 9.10 and everything is good. but it looks like as others have noticed, to get the upgraded jails i have to kill my data set. however i think when i first installed freenas (9.1 i think) i didn't realize i didn't create the folder structure i should have. so instead of creating for example /mnt/Raid1/Jails i just created /mnt/Raid1. so now the jail info is mixed in with other data.
what i would like to do is delete all my jail info and recreate them to get on the 10 jail templates as i would like to play with bhyve. so the question is, what do i need to delete to accomplish this.
Also, lets say i want to do a fresh install, where is all the pool, zfs, data info stored. i have done fresh installs before and all the info pools,zfs etc was all there. just trying to find the files and be safe

Home/ <-----------------------------------------Need to Keep
NetShare/<--------------------------------------Need to Keep
Repository/<------------------------------------Need to Keep
TMbackup/<------------------------------------Need to Keep
dataset/<------------------------------------not sure what this is (see below)

[root@vpdnas01] /mnt/Raid1# cd dataset/
[root@vpdnas01] /mnt/Raid1/dataset# ls | more
[root@vpdnas01] /mnt/Raid1/dataset# cd vinnie
[root@vpdnas01] /mnt/Raid1/dataset/vinnie# ls | more

thanks for any help


Couple of suggestions:

1. make sure your CPU contains the extensions bhyve requires:

this type of virtualization requires an Intel or AMD processor that reports the "POPCNT" (POPulation Count) processor feature. To verify that your processor has this feature, type grep POPCNT /var/boot/dmesg.boot from Shell. If you just receive your prompt back, you will not be able to install guests using iohyve.

2. it may be possible (I'm not sure, haven't tried) to create a dataset (say newjails) and point Jails -> Configuration to it. If that doesn't work, I'm not sure what to suggest to get the newer jail template for your situation...

3. if you decide to do a fresh install, the only thing you need to save if the config db as ZFS metadata lives on the storage disks, not the OS.
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