NFS permissions/ACL issues


Aug 27, 2021
I’m attempting to setup some NFS shares from my TrueNAS Scale server to my Nextcloud server, to use with the “External storage” app. This allows you to mount a local directory into Nextcloud.
Mounting the actual NFS on the Nextcloud host is no issue, but Nextcloud itself does not like it. When I try to write to the directory from within Nextcloud, I get a “forbidden” error.
If I try the exact same setup but in a different (local) location, one with the exact same unix permissions, it works totally fine as one would expect.
The Nextcloud documentation specify the following permissions:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/localdir
sudo chmod -R 0750 /path/to/localdir
These permissions do work on a local directory, but not when applied to the NFS mount.
This leads me to believe that its either an issue with NFS, or an issue with the permissions on the Truenas Scale side.
If I ssh into the truenas box, I can verify that www-data in fact owns the directory (there happens to be a www-data user with the same uid on truenas as well) so that can’t be it.
Would anyone have any idea what I can try?
I should mention that NFSv3 is being used and I have not set any MAPALL or MAPROOT options.