Hostname freenas.local
FreeNAS Build FreeNAS-8.0.2-RELEASE-amd64 (8288)
Platform Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.66GHz
Memory 16369MB
System Time Tue Dec 20 15:11:33 2011
Uptime 3:11PM up 3:12, 0 users
Load Average 0.06, 0.04, 0.05
OS Version FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p3
I have a third party email application running as root on my CentOS box. The email app seems to have partial access to the NFS share.
I used the following in my /etc/fstab file to mount the share: on /mnt/freenas type nfs (rw,wsize=32768,rsize=32768,addr=
Everything seems to be fine while logged in as root on my CentOS box I can read/write/execute from/to the NFS mount.
The email applications however has a problem.
When a user accesses email using a webclient for the first time the app should create folders and files in /mnt/freenas/mail/demo.com/user/ specifically /mnt/freenas/mail/demo.com/user/~webmail/settings.xml
The app appears to complete this task. While looking closer. It creates the file settings.xml but the file is blank. The file should contain the default values for the user.
The webclient instead of completing the login complains about a permissions problem with the /mnt/freenas/mail/demo.com/user/~webmail/settings.xml file.
The email application was installed and runs under the root account.
I have read everything I can find in the forum and in the wiki on NFS shares and permissions. I have configured several different ways with Mapall user / group and Maproot user/group. No combination I try seems to make a difference, except to make the problem worse by not allowing root access at all. I have also created a new user and group and that did not help. I even went as far as to install my email app under a different user and group. That did not help either.
I have even went as far as to chmod -r 777 /mnt/freenas/mail/
So lets make this simple. How do I permit access by any user from my CentOS box to the NFS share?
I have changed the permission from within FreeNAS on the volume to be rwx for all (recursively).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Please don't lecture me on logging in and running things as root. I'm just trying to make this work.
Hostname freenas.local
FreeNAS Build FreeNAS-8.0.2-RELEASE-amd64 (8288)
Platform Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.66GHz
Memory 16369MB
System Time Tue Dec 20 15:11:33 2011
Uptime 3:11PM up 3:12, 0 users
Load Average 0.06, 0.04, 0.05
OS Version FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p3
I have a third party email application running as root on my CentOS box. The email app seems to have partial access to the NFS share.
I used the following in my /etc/fstab file to mount the share: on /mnt/freenas type nfs (rw,wsize=32768,rsize=32768,addr=
Everything seems to be fine while logged in as root on my CentOS box I can read/write/execute from/to the NFS mount.
The email applications however has a problem.
When a user accesses email using a webclient for the first time the app should create folders and files in /mnt/freenas/mail/demo.com/user/ specifically /mnt/freenas/mail/demo.com/user/~webmail/settings.xml
The app appears to complete this task. While looking closer. It creates the file settings.xml but the file is blank. The file should contain the default values for the user.
The webclient instead of completing the login complains about a permissions problem with the /mnt/freenas/mail/demo.com/user/~webmail/settings.xml file.
The email application was installed and runs under the root account.
I have read everything I can find in the forum and in the wiki on NFS shares and permissions. I have configured several different ways with Mapall user / group and Maproot user/group. No combination I try seems to make a difference, except to make the problem worse by not allowing root access at all. I have also created a new user and group and that did not help. I even went as far as to install my email app under a different user and group. That did not help either.
I have even went as far as to chmod -r 777 /mnt/freenas/mail/
So lets make this simple. How do I permit access by any user from my CentOS box to the NFS share?
I have changed the permission from within FreeNAS on the volume to be rwx for all (recursively).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Please don't lecture me on logging in and running things as root. I'm just trying to make this work.