New to the forums, and a whole new FreeNAS server

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Apr 1, 2017
Hello everyone,

I have been lurking the forums and find it to be an awesome community which offers so much help, and decided to finally make an account.
Been using freenas 9.10 on an older system for a few months and loved it. Once Corral was officially released, I decided to build a whole new system for it.

The specs are as follows:

Supermicro X10SRA-F
Xeon 1620-v3 3.5GHz
2X 430 Watt Redundant Power Supplies
4X 4TB Seagate NAS Drives
4X 4TB Seagate Barracuda Drives
2X 2TB Seagate Enterprise Drives
2x 16GB Redundant Kingston USB Boot Drives

I've got PLEX set up, and soon ownCloud, sickbeard, couchpotato, headphones...
Also have a Windows 2012R2 VM where I have ngrok, SQL server, and all that stuff for my software development.

Corral is great, but the GUI is still pretty buggy sometimes. What I'm concerned about is security. Can anybody point me in the right direction to properly encrypt my enterprise drives, as well as set up a firewall/ad blocker at the router using FreeNAS?
Apr 1, 2017
Thank you, I decided not to cheap out because it's a server for 2 small businesses.

good luck to you as well, I see you're a new account from today. I hope you enjoy using freeNAS.

BTW, anyone else looking at this thread, ignore my question about security. Setting up a separate pfsense box.
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